Let's get in touch with us !

1. By Train: Take a train from Howrah Railway Station/Kharagpur Railway Station to Mecheda Railway Station. Then from Mecheda Bus Stop take a public bus or any cab to Ranichak, Haldia over NH 41(52 kms).Then from Ranichak to HIP, Haldia take the vehicle arranged by the college. Or take a direct train to Haldia Railway Station.
2. By Bus: Get on the bus from Kolkata Esplanade Central Bus Terminal to Haldia Bus Terminal or Ranichak, Haldia(135 km).Then from Ranichak to HIT, Haldia take the vehicle arranged by the college. Or take a bus from Kolkata Esplanade Central Bus Terminal to Raichak. Then take a vessel to cross Hoogly River and get down at Kukrahati. From Kukrahati Bus Stand get on a bus to Ranichak, Haldia.Then from Ranichak to HIT, Haldia take the vehicle arranged by the college.
3. By Air: Get down at Netaji Subhas International Airport. Then from airport take a shuttling airport bus to Esplande Central Bus Terminal or to Howrah Railway Station then follow point number 1 or 2.